Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Jeffrey, don't torment the cows....."

...was the response I was greeted with as Kari and I turned the bend on a section of the New River in our canoe. We spent some time in the Blue Ridge Mountains this weekend, and got in our canoe trip with Zaloo's Canoes on Monday morning before Kari had to head home.

The cows were standing in a pasture on the side of the river, and clearly, well, at least to me, the only polite thing was to say hello......"Mmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Apparently, Kari didn't see my method of communication as appropriate. Ten seconds later, Kari decided it was her turn to pay her respects.

"Hello Mr. Cow. This time next year I'll probably be eating you."

I of course bust out laughing since I'm the impolite one. When Kari realized what she'd said, she immediately said she was becoming a Vegan in hopes of not going straight to hell.

Busy packing, but hopefully I'll get some pictures and more notes up soon about our trip.

Almost time to hit the road......


Unknown said...

I can't believe that you put that on there. Poor Mr. Cow. I think we should go back so I can tell him I am REALLY sorry. P.S. I read your blog.

Anonymous said...