Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ryan's First Two Fish on a Fly....

I'm glad to report Ryan caught his first two fish ever on fly today, a pretty cutthroat and a cutbow, otherwise, the headline might have been my swinging strike out in slow pitch chickball.

His first take was so perfect, since I spotted a bird, said "Hey, do you think that's an eagle or a hawk?" and then here the wonderful "blub blub" sound of a take and hook set. For a first ever outing, Ryan did great, and I'm glad to report that I think he really enjoyed the experience, as well as the progress he made in his first day fly fishing ever.

And yes, I might have found some time to catch a nice fish or two myself.

Looking forward to another great day tomorrow.

1 comment:

ryan said...

The fact that my hands are so big makes my fish look much smaller in that picture!!!!